Home Seller Tips

Knowledgeable guidance for home sellers to consider when selling their home. Savvy tips home seller tips and information to prepare your home for sale and get the highest sale price.

Home Seller Tips Should You Sell Your Home Off-Market? In today’s real estate market, sellers are often presented with different strategies for selling their homes. One of the most debated topics is whether to list a home on the open market or to sell it off-market through private channels. While there may be rare instances where an off-market sale makes sense, the reality is […]
Home Seller Tips Selling Your Home: 5 Common Myths Selling your home is a crash course in real estate education. You’ll learn how to work with your real estate agent to find a buyer and sell at the right price. As you prepare to sell, it’s important to remember that that not everything you’ve heard is true. There are several common myths that can […]
Home Seller Tips Understanding Contingent Offers: A Seller’s Guide With the market shifting toward balance between buyers & sellers, “contingent” is a word sellers will be seeing more of. It’s important to understand the difference between a “contingent offer” and one with “contingencies.” Contingent offers allow the buyer time to sell their current home first before they complete the purchase. On the other hand, […]
Home Buyer Tips Why Buyer Representation Matters So Much to Sellers In today’s rapidly changing real estate landscape, understanding the critical role of buyer representation has never been more essential for home sellers. With the pending NAR settlement on the horizon, many sellers may not fully grasp the significant impact these changes will have on their transactions. The urgency to adapt is real, and overlooking the […]
Home Buyer Tips What You Need to Know about the Washington State Seller Property Disclosure – Form 17 Washington State requires sellers of residential real property to thoroughly disclose material facts on a form called the Residential Real Property Disclosure Statement (often referred to as Form 17). Unless the buyer has expressly waived their rights, the seller must deliver this completed disclosure within 5 days after mutual acceptance.  The buyer then has a […]
Home Buyer Tips Moving Day: Checklists & Tips to Stress Less   Ah, moving day…that magical mix of excitement, chaos, and occasional panic. Whether it is across town or cross-country, the reality of packing, moving, and setting up a new home can become overwhelming. No list can make a move “stress free,” BUT planning ahead and staying organized can help make your move a little smoother. […]
Home Seller Tips 5 Ways to Prepare Your Trees Before Listing Your Home For Sale   Most sellers know that some strategic home prep—and hiring the right broker—are key to getting you the highest possible price for your home (you can find tips in our Complete Checklist for getting ready to sell). However, one of the items on our list definitely deserves a deeper dive: Tree Care. Many homeowners are […]
Home Seller Tips Remodeling Projects to Avoid When Selling Your Home   It’s common for homeowners to feel compelled to remodel their homes before they sell. Renovating the spaces in your home can increase its value and help you compete with comparable listings in your area. However, some remodeling projects are more beneficial than others as you prepare to sell your home. Always talk to your […]
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Home Buyer Tips When is the Best Time to Buy or Sell a Home? Market peaks, holidays, school, oh my! Once you’ve decided that you want to sell or buy a home, the when can be tricky to tackle. Many factors contribute to optimal timing. Scroll down for the pros and cons of selling or buying in each season. While each season has its perks and challenges, your personal […]
Home Seller Tips To Sell or to Rent? The Perks and Pitfalls of Being a Landlord Analyzing whether to sell or rent your home is a BIG deal…and it deserves careful consideration. Ultimately, the right choice for you depends on your financial situation, goals, and personal preferences. Here is a quick run-down to help you decide:   Renting Out Your Home Might Make Sense If… You don’t need the funds from […]
Home Seller Tips 5 Home Improvements That Will Boost Your Property Value A home is the largest investment most people will make in their lifetime, so when it comes time to sell, homeowners often wonder what they can do to get the most return on their investment. Many have the misconception that remodeling is the way to go, but that isn’t always the case. Rather than going […]
Home Seller Tips 7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal When it comes time to sell your home, first impressions are crucial. Improving your curb appeal will catch buyers’ attention and go a long way toward selling quickly and for the best price. Here are seven affordable changes you can make that have a big impact… 1. Lush Up Your Lawn A healthy, well-tended lawn […]
Home Seller Tips 7 Ways to Make Life Easier When Selling Your Home When it’s time to sell a home, we all dream of a flawlessly executed transaction where everything goes smoothly and ends with a win-win for you and the buyer. Here are seven tips to help make that happen—and avoid surprise expenses along the way… 1. Repair Your Home First Making repairs to your home before […]
Home Seller Tips Preparing to Sell Your Home: A Complete Checklist Getting your home ready to sell can feel like a circus act. Without the right organization, juggling the countless moving parts involved in this stage of the selling process can take its toll. This is the perfect opportunity to create a checklist to keep yourself on track and within your budget. The following information will […]
Home Seller Tips Should You Remodel or Sell Your Home As Is? Homeowners who are preparing to sell are often faced with a dilemma about whether to remodel or sell their home in its current state. Each approach has its respective advantages and disadvantages. If you decide to remodel your home, it will likely sell for more; but the increased selling price will come at the cost […]
Home Seller Tips Why Taking Care of Your Buyer is Good for You Too How you leave your home matters more than you think…   In our extreme seller’s market, today’s home buyers are paying top dollar (or beyond) for their home purchase, and like many people paying a premium, they expect to get what they pay for. As a result, they have little tolerance for adverse surprises. This […]
Home Seller Tips The Downside of Selling Your Home Off Market Who wouldn’t want the enticement of a full price offer on their home before it even comes to market? At first glance it seems like a compelling opportunity, but it comes at a steep price. With the shortage of homes today, friends and neighbors are all on the lookout for up-and-coming listings. They aren’t hard […]
Home Seller Tips The Right Timing Can Bring You Thousands More When You Sell Ever notice how one home on your street sells well above asking price with a line of buyers out the door and an identical home comes on a month later and sits on the market for two weeks before finally selling at a reduced price?  Every. Day. Counts. It’s not always about the house. It’s […]