Business Planning in Bend Nov 12-14th 20 ppl max.
Agent Appreciation (August or December - to be decided by advisory board)
Gift Exchange December 9th at 10am.
FEB 11 & 12 Windermere Way (Portland, OR)
FEB 17 PRESIDENT’S DAY (Legal Holiday-Office Closed)
FEB 19 Windermere Luxury Zoom Meeting (10:30 AM-12 NOON)
FEB 17-21 MID-WINTER BREAK MI, Bellevue & Seattle Schools
Business Planning in Bend Nov 12-14th 20 ppl max.
Agent Appreciation (August or December needs to be decided by advisory board)
Gift Exchange December 9th at 10am.
FEB 11 & 12 Windermere Way (Portland, OR)
FEB 17 PRESIDENT’S DAY (Legal Holiday-Office Closed)
FEB 19 Windermere Luxury Zoom Meeting (10:30 AM-12 NOON)
FEB 17-21 MID-WINTER BREAK MI, Bellevue & Seattle Schools
Exceeding Expectation. Your Support Team.
Exceeding Expectation. Your Support Team.
Your Tech Advantage... At Your Fingertips
Click through your photo to find access to your presentations, canva templates, subscriptions, and a quick and easy avenue to taking advantage of YOUR BrandMI marketing advantage.
Your Tech Advantage... At Your Fingertips
Click through your photo to find access to your presentations, canva templates, subscriptions, and a quick and easy avenue to taking advantage of YOUR BrandMI marketing advantage.
Reach out to make this space as helpful as you want it to be!
We Strive to give our agents the tools they need to both be at the forefront of the the industry in a way that makes sense, keeps it simple and offers a range of advantages. if you see something missing, or have a great idea to make it better, let us know!